Our School Governors
The school Governing Body is made up of community governors, local authority appointed governors, staff governors and parent governors, as defined by Local Authority regulations. Governors are drawn from a diverse range of backgrounds and age groups representative of the Gobowen community.
The current members of the school Governing Body are:
Mrs Sheila Leech (Chair of Governors, Co-opted Governor)
Mr Malcolm Titley (Vice Chair, Local Authority Governor)
Mr Ronan Walsh (Headteacher)
Mrs Kelsee Owen (Staff Governor)
Mrs Nicola Jones (Associate Governor)
Mr Robert Macey (Co-opted Governor)
Mr Craig Emery (Parent Governor)
Mrs Sandra Rayner(Co-opted Governor)
Mrs Helen Powell (Parent Governor)
Mrs Diane Fox (Co-opted Governor)
Mr Rob Smith (Parent Governor)
Mr Rob Smith (Parent Governor)
Mr R Walsh
The Headteacher is a member of the Governing Body by virtue of their position (ex officio)
Ongoing term of office
Committees: Curriculum, Finance & General Personnel, Premises, Security and Health and Safety
Link Governor responsibilities: Not applicable
I was appointed as Headteacher in September 2018.
Mrs N Jones
Appointed in October 2016 as an Associate Governor for a 6th term of office
2 year term of office ends 18 October 2022
Premises, Security and Health and Safety
Link Governor responsibilities: Not applicable
I am presently the Office Co-ordinator at Gobowen Primary School and have been on the Governing Body since 2008. I became a governor as I wanted to help the school develop and improve because I feel strongly that every child deserves the best possible education. I was originally employed as a Special Educational Needs Teaching Assistant in 2003. I followed this role by becoming a Higher Level Teaching Assistant in 2010. In February 2012 I began working in the school office. These varying roles have enabled me to have an excellent insight into how the school operates from both an academic and financial point of view.
Councillor Robert Macey
Co-opted by Governing Body in May 2015
Current 4 year term of office ends 29 June 2025
Finance & General Personnel
Premises, Security and Health & Safety (Chair)
Appeals (Chair)
Link Governor responsibilities: PE, Sports funding, Forest school
Mrs Sheila Leech
Co-opted by Governing Body 6 June 2018
Current 2 year term of office ends 5 June 2026
Finance (Chair)
Staff Discipline/Dismissal
Salaries (Chair)
Headteacher's Performance Management
Link Governor responsibilities: EYFS, music, Nursery
I have spent all my career in education, working with nursery children to university students and teachers. I have worked in several different countries and areas of the UK. Most recently I was an Ofsted inspector for the early years and also ran my own training company. I have written numerous books to support academic courses and also different related educational topics. I believe in giving children the best possible start in education and consider the early years fundamental to children’s progress and achievement in later years.
Vice Chair : Mr Malcolm Titley
Appointed by the Local Authority in July 2013
Re-appointed by the Local Authority in November 2017
4 year term of office – ends 31 October 2025
Vice Chair of Governors since May 2016
Curriculum (Chair)
Complaints (Chair)
Staff Discipline / Staff Dismissal (Chair)
Headteacher's Performance Management (Chair)
Link Governor responsibilities: Special Educations Needs and Disabilities (SEND) & SEN funding;
Education Improvement Partnership, Design & Technology
I am a retired Secondary School teacher and have lived in Gobowen for over 30 years. Both my daughter and granddaughter attended Gobowen School.
I have been a governor since 2013 and have been involved with its excellent progress since its OFSTED inspection. Children only have one opportunity in education. I want the children of Gobowen to receive the best education in a safe, stimulating environment, delivered by high quality teaching.
Mrs Kelsee Owen
Appointed as a Staff Governor by the Governing body on 1st September 2024.
2 year term of office.
Link Governor responsibilities: Not applicable
I was appointed as class teacher on 1st September 2016.
Mr Craig Emery
Appointed as a Parent Governor by the Governing Body - July 2022
Current 4 year term of office ends September 2026
Premises, Security and Health and Safety
Link Governor responsibilities: Music & PSHE
I have a daughter who has just started to attend Gobowen and I was very interested to learn how I could help the school to continue to grow and help every child achieve their potential.
My career background is in food retail and I am currently in the middle of completing a second degree in Business Management & Leadership. Outside of work I'm a Parish Councillor within the village and generally just like to spend time with my family or taking the dog out for a walk.
Mrs Helen Powell
Appointed as a Parent Governor by the Governing Body on 16 November 2022
Current 4 year term of office ends 15 November 2026
I work as a clinical specialist paediatric physiotherapist and manager for the NHS in a local Welsh health board. As part of my job role I work with babies, children and young people with a spectrum of movement, health and wellbeing difficulties. I work with many children with special educational needs. As part of my job I visit many primary schools and some high schools and work in collaboration with education staff to achieve agreed health and educational goals that are important to the children I work with.
Having access to many early years setting and schools I have a good understanding as what a healthy and happy education environment looks like and I believe I can help share my knowledge and experience within my role as parent governor.
My daughter attends Gobowen School and I plan for my son to attend the pre-school at Gobowen.
Gobowen is an exceptional school with values and behaviours I strongly believe in. It’s a happy and nurturing environment and I am excited and committed to be a parent governor for this school.
Mrs Diane Fox
Appointed as a Co-opted Governor by the Governing Body April 2023
Current 2 year term of office ends April 2025
I moved into the area July 2022, following my retirement from Birmingham Children's Trust.
As a trainer, I am passionate about learning and believe the foundation for lifelong learning begins in school as early as possible.
I am delighted to have the opportunity to become a co-opted governor. I am committed to the role to help Gobowen School continue its excellent work in ensuring that all children get the best possible education in a safe and nurturing environment.
Mr Rob Smith
Appointed as a Parent Governor by the Governing Body 1st September 2024
Current 4 year term of office ends 1st September 2028
Pupil Discipline
Mrs Sandra Rayner
Appointed as a Co-opted Governor by the Governing Body November 2024
We are required to publish Governors who have left the Governing Body in the previous 12 months
Mr Ben Griffiths (staff Governor) - July 2024
Rev Steve Nicholson (Co-opted Governor) - December 2024
Committee Structure 2022 - 2023
How do I contact the School Governors?
Governors will always welcome feedback and comments about the school both informally and formally.
In the event of a complaint, we have a process that should be followed, and can be found in the Complaints Policy in the Policy and Document section of this website.
In the event of a complaint, we have a process that should be followed, and can be found in the Complaints Policy in the Policy and Document section of this website.
Gobowen Primary School Governing Body can be contacted through the school office on 01691 661343 or by writing to: Chair of Governors, Gobowen Primary School, School Lane, Gobowen, SY11 3LD. Any letters that we receive, addressed to the Governing Body, are forwarded directly to the Chair of Governors. All communication with governors is dealt with in the strictest confidence.
What do we do?
Governors work together as a 'corporate body' or governing body in partnership with the headteacher that operates within a framework. Together with the headteacher who provides advice and guidance to the Governing Body, they set the future direction for the school. Some of the responsibilities of a governing body are to:-
- Set and manage the overall budget for the school
- Decide on the number of staff
- Interview and appoint teaching and support staff
- Decide on the level of pay for staff
- Help decide the priorities for improving the school when the School Development Plan is being drawn up
- Ensure the National Curriculum is taught to all pupils
- Set targets for pupil attainment and achievement
- Hold the school to account through monitoring, questions and challenge
- Compare the performance of the school to similar schools
- Receive information about the quality of teaching in the school
- Have a published procedure for dealing with parental complaints and concerns
- Ensure the balanced treatment of political issues
- Ensure health and safety issues are addressed
- Set the times of school sessions
How can I find out more?
More information about the role of a school governor or about becoming a governor can be found on the Shropshire County Council website.