Our Curriculum at Gobowen Primary School
To meet the requirements of the National Curriculum (Year 1 – 6), we have adopted a STEAM approach to our planning. Each half term, the classes will explore a BIG QUESTION that has a STEAM focus (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts or Mathematics). We have also included GLOBAL AWARENESS so that classes can focus on current issues affecting our world. Here are the 6 themes explored through our curriculum:
Science/Maths: Investigation
Technology: Construction
Technology: Engineering
Performance Art
Global Awareness
This approach to the curriculum means that, where appropriate, we make as many cross curricular links as possible and the topics we choose take into account:
- The requirements of the National Curriculum in terms of skills and knowledge.
- The interests and needs of our children.
- Current affairs and real world issues
- The opportunity to embed literacy and numeracy skills in real-life activities.
- The core values of our school as illustrated by our ethos statement.
The National Curriculum sets out the minimum content. However, at Gobowen Primary School, our intention is to ensure that all of our children have the opportunity to further build upon their skills (procedural knowledge) and to develop a deeper understanding of what they learn. For example:
- We offer a wide range of after-school clubs which are free and many are designed as parent/child clubs
- Outdoor learning is an integral part of our teaching and the development of our aims and values with our forest school site is used daily across KS1 and 2.
- We take part in sports leagues and sports opportunities in the locality and across the county.
- We offer a wide range of trips, visitors into schools and links with other schools both in this country and abroad.
- Specialist teachers also provide a variety of instrument lessons including piano and percussion. A choir is also in place.
- Children all have specialist teaching from members of staff in KS1 and KS2 each week.
- Independence and personal responsibility are taught through Mindful Awareness and Restorative Practice
- Children are not restricted by the National Curriculum and are encouraged to think flexibly, take risks with their learning and to pursue excellence in particular areas.
Although the National Curriculum is in place and we are required to follow the programmes of study, we can interpret it in such a way that it meets the needs and interests of our children in order to have a greater impact on their learning. By having a flexible approach to planning, that takes into account current issues as well as the needs and interests of the children, we are able to implement a curriculum that provides bespoke learning that allows all children to apply their knowledge and develop a greater range of skills.
To ensure that our curriculum allows for progression across the school we use Chris Quigley's Essentials as guidance. Here is an overview of what is taught in each year group for each subject:
Curriculum Overviews
Please click on the documents below to see the termly overviews of the subjects covered in each class.
Nursery - Acorn class
Reception - Willow Class
Year 1 - Sycamore Class
Year 2- Hazel class
Year 3 - Maple Class
Year 4 - Ash Class
Year 5 - Birch class
Year 6 Oak Class
Specialist Teaching
In KS2 all of our children have the opportunity to experience specialist teaching.
The children do CLASS SWAPS once a week with each teacher so that they are taught the following:
Mr. Lawson delivers Computing - Coding
Mr Flack teaches PE / Fitness
Mr. Griffiths teaches Music
Mrs Cameron Art - Drawing techniques
The children do CLASS SWAPS once a week with each teacher so that they are taught the following:
Mr. Lawson delivers Computing - Coding
Mr Flack teaches PE / Fitness
Mr. Griffiths teaches Music
Mrs Cameron Art - Drawing techniques
Mrs Hughes teaches French
This gives the children the chance for really high quality teaching and also prepares them for working with different adults and in different classes.
The children thoroughly enjoy these sessions.
This gives the children the chance for really high quality teaching and also prepares them for working with different adults and in different classes.
The children thoroughly enjoy these sessions.