School Clubs
School Clubs
We try to offer a variety of clubs throughout the year that give all pupils the opportunity to enhance their learning, whilst having fun.
Golf Tag Rugby
Netball Cheer leading
Karate Choir
Art Football
Rounders ICT
Cooking Recorders
Cross Country Tennis
Gymnastics Puppet making
And many many more...
These clubs run according to the season and the time of year and the majority of them are free to attend.
Golf Tag Rugby
Netball Cheer leading
Karate Choir
Art Football
Rounders ICT
Cooking Recorders
Cross Country Tennis
Gymnastics Puppet making
And many many more...
These clubs run according to the season and the time of year and the majority of them are free to attend.
Before and After School Care
Busy Lizards
Gobowen Primary School is committed to offering extended school hours.
Before School
7.45-8.50 am: including a light breakfast and drink. £4.50
8.30-8.50 am: £1.50 (this includes a drink)
All children attending these clubs will be either sent to class or taken to class at the start of the day.
After School
15:15 - 16:30: including a drink and light snack. £6.00
15:15 - 17.30: including a drink and light tea. £12.00
Late fees
If you are late collecting your child at the end of their session there will be a charge of £10.00 per 10 minutes.