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Late/Absence/Illness Procedures


The target that is set for us by the local Authority is for every children to attend school for 96% of the time or greater.

We believe that it is detrimental to a child's education if they are off school for any time, but recognise that children may from time to time be unwell and that school is not the best place for them for a short period.

We work very closely with the local authority in monitoring attendance and will tackle unexplained absence or absence that appears to be persistent. We hold termly meetings as a minimum but more often if necessary.
If your child needs to be absent from school for appointments please could you pop in a copy of the appointment slip or letter for our records.


Illness in School

If a child becomes ill in school the following procedures will be followed:


If a child informs the a member of staff that they feel unwell the member of staff will monitor the child and rule out any common reasons by ensuring that they have been to the toilet, that they are hydrated and that they are warm/cool enough. The member of staff will check that there is nothing worrying the child. Staff will also check that there is no known condition on medical lists for this child. Following initial checks the member of staff will then decide whether symptoms may require a call home. If this is the case they will contact the office and a call will be made home.


If symptoms suggest that they do not require a call home then the teacher will continue to monitor in class or request that they are monitored (as they feel sick) by admin in the first aid area. The child will be monitored and should the symptoms worsen a call home will be made. If in any doubt a call will be made to parents to discuss the pupil. If the child improves and or feels better they will return to class.


If a child has sickness or diarrhoea in school they will be sent home immediately; children should not return to school for 48 hours after their last case of sickness/diarrhoea.


The child will be made comfortable while they wait to be collected.


If contact cannot be made with parents then staff will contact the emergency contacts provided by the parents on the admissions form.


If parents/ emergency contacts cannot be reached the child will be made comfortable and monitored and staff will continue to try to make contact.


If necessary a first aider will be consulted for advice on an illness.


In the case of an emergency when the child’s health is at risk an ambulance will be called and a member of staff will accompany the child to hospital. Parents/ authorised adult will be contacted. As soon as possible a senior member of staff will be informed.
