School Values
Our Mission
- That the pursuit of excellence is shared by and driven by everyone within our school community
- That from each starting point, all reach their full potential within an outstanding and inspirational learning environment
- That we instil positive learning behaviours that support lifelong learning
- That we feel safe, secure, supported and heard
- That we uphold our values within the school and in to the wider world
Our Values
We at Gobowen are committed to the promotion and embedding of the Core British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs.
These permeate through the school within our own values.
Our Vision: "Nurture Grow Flourish"
We commit to being:
Friendly, Attentive, Positive, Caring, Appreciative,Responsible, Truthful,
Curious, Resilient, Independent,Respectful, Thoughtful, Cooperative