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The EYFS curriculum and our policies and procedures

What is the EYFS?

EYFS stands for Early Years Foundation Stage. The EYFS curriculum (Development Matters) is a non-statutory but widely used curriculum which defines possible learning experiences and developmental stages for children from birth up to 5 years old. Development Matters begins with Characteristics of Effective Learning followed by 17 Areas of Learning.

What is the EYFSP?

At the end of the Reception year every child is teacher assessed (not tested) by comparing their individual achievements to the 17 Early Learning Goal statements. The Early Learning Goal statements are statutory in England. Your child will be given one of three statements for every Early Learning Goal-Emerging, Expected or Exceeding. If your child is Emerging they have not yet reached the Early Learning Goal. If your child is Expected they have achieved some or all of the Early Learning Goal. If your child is Exceeding they have achieved all aspects of the Early Learning Goal and are working towards National Curriculum or Exceeding statements.

​Current EYFS documents and policies
