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Music Vision Statement

At Gobowen Primary School we aim to deliver a high-quality music curriculum whilst enriching the cultural experiences of our pupils through exciting and wide-ranging musical opportunities. 



We have three main aims for our children. By the time they leave at the end of Year 6, we aim to:

  • ensure all children can read notated music from a stave and perform on an instrument with confidence
  • provide a plethora of performing opportunities for our children, so they are comfortable and confident when performing for an audience
  • give children the opportunity to regularly compose and subsequently perform pieces of music


In the Early Years settings, our children are introduced to music lessons through singing familiar songs regularly, as well as making sounds and performing using percussion instruments. In Key Stage 1 the children are taught to play percussion instruments, take part in a weekly singing assembly and have many opportunities to develop their performance skills through shows. In Key Stage 2, each class is taught once a week by the music coordinator. The lessons include work on reading notation, performing on glockenspiels and ukuleles, composing using these instruments and using iPads with Garage Band, and listening and appreciating popular and classical music. Peripatetic music lessons are offered and delivered by a local piano tutor as well as Music Heroes who offer lessons in guitar and drums, to name a few. Large scale shows are regularly held in the school, ranging from Christmas productions to whole school singing concerts held on the school grounds and further afield- we took the largest cohort of children to perform at 2022’s highly successful Shropshire Sings concert.


The school’s curriculum ensures that the children experience and appreciate a wide range of music and are musically literate by the time they leave the school. Children can read notated music and perform this. They can perform in time with each other and are aware of their own part whilst listening to others in their group. Children showcase compositions to their peers and KS2 children collaborate to create a piece of music that is performed at one of our large-scale summer singing concerts. Progress is monitored through regular video recordings of classes performing notated music as well as low-stake quizzes to monitor theoretical knowledge. Above all, children show a real passion for creating and performing music.

Specialist Teaching

Mr. Griffiths teaches Music to all of the children in KS2 as part of our Specialist teaching program. Mrs. Boulton & Mr. Griffiths lead a weekly whole school singing assembly.